Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Design & Development

We Design and Develop Websites that help you 

to grow online

KN Infotech has been delivering impactful and engaging web products for leading companies across the majority of industries for over 11 years. Leverage our unique and broad-ranging expertise to build a rich-festrong textatured labor management portal, a speedy progressive web app, or even an AR-powered ecommerce store. We deliver comprehensive web development services with clear results and a clear development process.


Static Website

Static websites are cost-effective and lightweight in nature. They implement server-side rendering of CSS, JavaScript, and HTML files on web browsers. These websites are perfect for small businesses that must present an uncluttered brand narrative to their visitors. Static websites are also great for personal and professional webpages, which are not content or media-heavy. They are responsive, SEO-friendly, and aesthetically pleasing.

  • – Server-side rendering ensures speed and performance
  • – More flexibility for developers and easier to build and maintain
  • – You can quickly scale your website if you need any additional features
  • – More secure than dynamic websites, as the content database is not connected to your front-end web interface

Dynamic Website

You may need a dynamic website if your website needs to support user-generated content. Dynamic websites contain server-side and client-side scripting and are written in HTML and JavaScript. For specific requirements, we may use other, more complex programming languages. Dynamic websites are suitable for large websites that are constantly updated with new information. They are also necessary when you need access to external files and databases.

  • – Users can create content using online editors.
  • – Perfect for websites that need to be updated frequently
  • – Necessary for complex websites that require multiple scripts to run alongside
  • – Suitable for medium to large businesses

Website Redesign

Existing websites often need to be updated and require major or minor customizations. Redesigning a website is a work of art and craftsmanship and requires careful planning and strategizing. We redesign both old and new websites, regardless of the magnitude of work that is necessary. The resulting website will ensure a faster, more secure, and more modern website that will help increase your conversion rates.

  • – Website redesign requires careful planning and strategizing

  • – Both old and new websites may need redesigning

  • – Website redesign fixes bugs, errors, and design & technical flaws

  • – A redesigned website helps you increase your web conversion rate

Best Web Development Services Provider to Boost Your Business

Welcome to KN Infotech – Web Development Company

  • The company offers creative and professional web design and development services to individuals, small businesses, as well as large corporations.  No matter if you need a 10 page website, an ecommerce solution, or a database driven dynamic web application , cheap web development India has the expertise & experience to handle it all.
  • They are well- known with all the technology to develop a highly devised web version using WordPress. From commercial websites to personal portfolios, our company can help you in delivering full responsive and functional websites that meet your business requirements . We are a well known Web development company today and will take your online business to the door of success!
  • We provide end-to-end web applications for small and large-scale industries. We write high-level standards of codings that make applications more efficient and secure. We design web applications that are mobile responsive, customizable, and also user-friendly.

The company offers creative and professional web design and development services to individuals, small businesses, as well as large corporations.  No matter if you need a 10 page website, an ecommerce solution, or a database driven dynamic web application , cheap web development India has the expertise & experience to handle it all.

They are well- known with all the technology to develop a highly devised web version using WordPress. From commercial websites to personal portfolios, our company can help you in delivering full responsive and functional websites that meet your business requirements . We are a well known Web development company today and will take your online business to the door of success!

We provide end-to-end web applications for small and large-scale industries. We write high-level standards of codings that make applications more efficient and secure. We design web applications that are mobile responsive, customizable, and also user-friendly.

Custom Web Development Services We Offer

We offer custom web application development, e-commerce solutions, mobile-responsive design, API integration, database development, UX/UI design, web security, performance optimization, and ongoing maintenance and support. Tailored solutions for your business.

Custom Web App Development

Custom web app development involves creating tailored web applications to meet specific business requirements. It includes designing and building unique features, functionality, and user interfaces.

E-commerce Development

E-commerce development refers to the creation and implementation of online platforms that enable businesses to sell products or services over the internet.

Backend & API Development

Backend and API development focuses on creating the server-side components and interfaces that power web and mobile applications. It involves designing, developing, and maintaining the backend infrastructure, databases.

Full Stack Development

Full stack development refers to the expertise in both frontend and backend web development. Full stack developers are proficient in programming languages, frameworks.

Web Portal Development

Web portal development involves creating interactive online platforms that serve as a gateway to various information, services, and resources. These portals provide a centralized hub where users can access and manage personalized content.

Payment Gateway Integration

Payment gateway integration allows businesses to accept online payments securely and conveniently. By integrating a payment gateway into your web or mobile application, you can enable your customers to make transactions using various payment methods.

Web Security and Performance Optimization

Web security and performance optimization focuses on protecting websites and enhancing their speed and efficiency. It involves implementing robust security measures to prevent unauthorized access, data breaches, and other threats.

Database Development and Integration

Database development and integration involves designing, creating, and managing databases to store and organize data efficiently. It includes selecting the appropriate database management system.

Mobile-Responsive Web Design

Mobile-responsive web design involves creating websites that adapt and optimize their layout, content, and functionality based on the user's device screen size. It ensures a consistent and user-friendly experience across different devices.

Web Technologies, We have Expertise In

React JS
Vue JS
Angular JS
Node JS
.Net Core

Why Your Business Need Website or Web App?

A website or web app is vital for your business in today’s digital landscape. It serves as a 24/7 accessible platform for customers to discover your brand, access information, make purchases, and engage with your products or services. It establishes credibility, widens your reach, and drives business growth.

■ Increased Efficiency

■ Save Your Time

■ 24/7 Accessibility

■ Increased Brand Visibility

■ Showcase Your Offers

■ High Scalability

■ Maximize ROI

■ Improve Customer Engagement

■ Keep Track of your Business

■ Wider Audience Approach

Web Development Process

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What is Web Development?

Web development refers to the tasks associated with developing websites for hosting via intranet or internet. The process includes web design, web content development, client-side/server-side scripting, and network security configuration, among other tasks.

What is Full-Stack Development?

Full-Stack Development refers to the development of both the front end (client side) and back end (server side) of a web application. A full-stack developer is proficient in both areas.

Which programming languages are essential for web development?

  • HTML/CSS: For structuring and styling web pages.
  • JavaScript: For creating interactive web pages.
  • Python, Ruby, PHP, Java, Node.js: For server-side scripting.

What is Responsive Design?

Responsive design is an approach that ensures web pages render well on a variety of devices and window or screen sizes. It often involves flexible grids and layouts, images, and CSS media queries.

What is a Content Management System (CMS)?

A CMS is a software application used to create, manage, and modify digital content. Examples include WordPress, Joomla, and Drupal.

What is Version Control and why is it important?

Version control is a system that records changes to a file or set of files over time so that you can recall specific versions later. It is crucial for collaboration and tracking changes. Git is the most commonly used version control system.

How do I deploy a website?

Deploying a website involves moving it from a local environment to a live server where it can be accessed over the internet. Common deployment platforms include Heroku, Netlify, Vercel, and AWS.


Have a Project or Idea?

We will love to build something great together.