Over 10 years we helping companies reach their financial and branding goals. Onum is a values-driven SEO agency dedicated.


Our Passionate Team Has Proven Expertise in the Following Areas of E-Commerce Website Development

E-Commerce Strategy & Consultation

Not sure how to bring your business to the online domain? Our e-commerce development services include strategy and consultation to help you get the best custom solution for your ecommerce business

Custom E-Commerce Design

Our expert UI / UX designers create the best user experience by merging innovation, creativity, conversion, and content to create masterpieces that can make your online store stand apart from the competition.

E-Commerce Website Development

Our e-commerce website solutions focus on making online stores faster, reliable, secure and scalable. We have years of expertise in creating e-commerce websites that are in line with industry trends and customer preferences.

E-Commerce Website Optimization

Just creating an e-commerce website isn’t enough. Optimization is crucial for getting the maximum benefit out of the online store. Our e-commerce website development services assure top-notch optimization for superior performance.

E-Commerce Platform Migration

Not happy with your current e-commerce platform? We can help you to migrate your e-commerce website to the most suitable and effective platform with seamless integration and no downtime.

Custom Carting Solutions

Need flexible payment options? Do you want to offer fast check out and carting solutions? Get your preferred payment gateway integration and scale up to meet growing demands without delays.

Superior Order Management Solutions

Enjoy zero-error order management with our superior order management solutions. Be it product returns or custom product delivery requests, we make sure that your e-commerce website delivers high performance even under pressure.

Scalable Architecture and Cloud Solutions

Your e-commerce business wasn’t meant to serve just one location. Whether you are a B2B or B2C online store, you can always scale up seamlessly with our e-commerce website development services.

High Security Protocols for Data Protection

Security is of paramount importance for e-commerce websites. We implement stringent security protocols and encryption to protect customers from identity theft, data theft and fraud transactions.

E-Commerce Web Design Services

Our expert UI / UX designers create the best user experience by merging innovation, creativity, conversion, and content to create masterpieces that can make your online store stand apart from the competition.

Custom E-Commerce Development

Our expert UI / UX designers create the best user experience by merging innovation, creativity, conversion, and content to create masterpieces that can make your online store stand apart from the competition.

E-Commerce Website Development Services

Our e-commerce website solutions focus on making online stores faster, reliable, secure and scalable. We have years of expertise in creating e-commerce websites that are in line with industry trends and customer preferences.

Major E-Commerce Platforms We Drive Proficiently

Come let’s pick your requirement from our pool of expert business needs.
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What is e-commerce development?

E-commerce development involves creating online platforms where businesses can sell products or services to customers. This includes building websites, mobile apps, and integrating various functionalities such as payment gateways, product catalogs, and shipping solutions.

What are the key components of an e-commerce site?

Key components include:

  • Product catalog
  • Shopping cart
  • Checkout process
  • Payment gateway integration
  • Order management system
  • User accounts
  • Security features
  • Analytics and reporting

How do I choose the right e-commerce platform?

Consider the following factors:

  • Business size and scalability
  • Budget
  • Technical expertise
  • Customization needs
  • Payment and shipping integrations
  • Security requirements
  • Customer support

Popular platforms include Shopify, WooCommerce, Magento, and BigCommerce.

What are the basic steps to developing an e-commerce site?

The basic steps are:

  • Define your business goals and requirements.
  • Choose an e-commerce platform.
  • Design the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX).
  • Develop the front-end and back-end functionalities.
  • Integrate payment gateways and shipping providers.
  • Test the site thoroughly.
  • Launch the site.
  • Monitor and optimize for performance and customer feedback.

What technologies are commonly used in e-commerce development?

Common technologies include:

  • Front-end: HTML, CSS, JavaScript (React, Angular, Vue)
  • Back-end: PHP, Ruby, Python, Node.js
  • Databases: MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB
  • CMS: WordPress (with WooCommerce), Magento
  • Platforms: Shopify, BigCommerce
  • Payment Gateways: PayPal, Stripe, Square

How important is responsive design for an e-commerce site?

Responsive design is crucial as it ensures your site is accessible and usable on all devices, including desktops, tablets, and mobile phones. This improves user experience and can lead to higher conversion rates.

How do I integrate shipping solutions into my e-commerce site?

You can integrate shipping solutions by:

  • Using built-in features of your e-commerce platform
  • Integrating third-party shipping APIs (e.g., UPS, FedEx, DHL)
  • Utilizing shipping apps available on your platform’s marketplace

How can I provide excellent customer support for my e-commerce site?

Provide excellent support by:

  • Offering multiple support channels (email, live chat, phone)
  • Providing a comprehensive FAQ section
  • Ensuring timely responses to inquiries
  • Implementing a user-friendly return and refund policy
  • Gathering and acting on customer feedback

Have a Project or Idea?

We will love to build something great together.

Have a Project or Idea?

We will love to build something great together.

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